How to Get Rust off Cast Iron Skillet with Vinegar?
Hey, today I discuss on a hot topic – how to get rust off cast iron skillet with vinegar. Cast iron rust is a common problem of the kitchen environment. All of us we face this problem. I get so many request from my audience to write on this topic. For that why, at last I am writing.
There are so my different way to get rust off cast iron skillet. To give to proper information I do some experiment. It tried different method to get result of get rust off cast iron skillet.
The two most popular way to clean rust cast iron is using salt and vinegar. I use both salt and vinegar for experience. I do this to get best result. I feel flexible with vinegar to remove rust of cast iron. You can also try salt.
How to Remove Rust from Cast Iron Skillet with Vinegar
Vinegar and salt are most common ingredients to get rust off cast iron skillet. I like to use vinegar. So I discuss here today get rust off cast iron skillet with vinegar. If you want you can use salt for this process. I describe the method step by step. Then it will easy for your understand each.
Step 1: Mix white vinegar and water same ratio
You can’t use raw vinegar to remove rust. First take some water and mix with the white vinegar. For clarification you can maintain this ratio 50/50. Based on your skillet take 50% water and 50% vinegar. The white vinegar will help you to remove the rust of the pan. Then mix the water and vinegar in a bucket or any other pan where you want to soak.
Step 2: Soak the pan
Put the cast iron pan in the bucket. Make sure that the cast iron pan entire is submerged in the mixture and get full coverage. Soak the pan until the pan rust is remove.
Step 3: Check the soak pan regularly
Many of us has confusion about this how much time have to soak this pan. Normally if is rust highly it takes eight hours to resolve. But sometime it don’t take so much time. So you have to check the pan after every half hour. If you see the rust is almost dissolved you have to put the pan.
Step 4: Wash the cast iron pan
After remove from the vinegar water you have to wash the pan in right away. You can use sponge or brush to scrub. Remember don’t use any rough sponge, because it may damage your cast iron pan.
Step 5: Put the cast iron in the oven
Before put the cast iron in the oven make sure you dry the pan with a paper towel or cloth. Then place the pan in an oven for half an hour.
Step 6: Re-season the cast iron
If need you can re-season the cast iron. Use some vegetable oil to rub the pan and place this in oven with 350 degrees F. for forty minutes to an hour.
How to keep you pan rust free
For our maintenance problem most of the time cast iron pan rust. Now from my personal experience and expert opinion I will share some techniques how your keep your pan rust free.
Correctly clean the cast iron pan:
Sometimes we don’t care to clean the pan. For the why our poor cleaning techniques are the main cause of cast iron rust. So in washing time you have to notice it is clean very well and use soap to clean. After washing dry the pan and store.
Keep it dry:
After wash the cast iron pan dry this with clean cloth or paper towel. Make sure it is welly dry in store time.
Store the pan safely:
When you store the pan keep a paper towel with this. Make sure you store the pan away from water and in a warm place.
Hope from this post you get a total idea to get rust off cast iron skillet with vinegar. If you want to can implement other techniques. Now it is time to enjoy cooking. Happy cooking. If you have query feel free to ask me in comment section or email me. I will replay as soon as possible.